East London Advertiser article: Fashion guru Betty Jackson displays her eco credentials in Bethnal Green

Alex Maule, 21, Imelda Maguire, 26, fashion designer Betty Jackson, Conny Seidler, 22 wearing a dress designed by Caroline Collinge from Cabinet of Curiosity.

AFTER Livia Firth made a splash at the Oscars with her ethical red carpet gown last week the east End jumped on the guilt-free bandwagon with an event at Bethnal Green’s Museum of Childhood. Fashion designer and V&A trustee Betty Jackson was among the host of eco-pioneers who crammed into the Cambridge Heath Road museum’s exhibition hall last Thursday evening for a feast of ethical fashion. Eco-journalists and green stylists were discussing the rise of “slow fashion”, which stands against the throw-away culture of buying often and cheap that has gained popularity in recent years, while the Guardian’s Ethical Living columnist Lucy Siegle, spoke about her forthcoming book, To Die For: Is Fashion Wearing out the World? London’s ultra-cool stylist Jocelyn Whipple ran a workshop on green styling and eco-campaigners Labour Behind the Label and Love Fashion Hate Sweat Shops offered top tips on how to be stylishly sustainable.
By Victoria Huntley, News Editor, East London Advertiser, Monday, March 7, 2011.


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